
What do you love about Concordia Lutheran High School, and why are you here? 
Concordia is an amazing place that puts kids front and center, with the love of Jesus Christ. CLHS doesn’t just push the kids through the system as a glorified babysitter system.  They empower the students to become everything God made them to be.  A truly special place in Education, Grace and Faith.


What do you love about Jesus? 
He died for me to be able to be me, and gave me a skill set that he wants me to share with everyone.  


When I have free time I enjoy... 
Family time is crucial.  During that time, it doesn’t really matter what we are doing, which is a lot.  
Parent Teacher Conference:
Parent Teacher Conference Sign-Ups are now closed.  Please email Mr. Reeder to request a conference.

**Please Note that the "SUBSCRIBE" feature that is directly below the Phone Number is NOT a feature that CLHS uses at this point.